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Open Burning Regulations


The Jefferson County Department of Health and Air Pollution Control Program monitors and issues burn permits throughout the county. Fire Departments in the county area, such as Gardendale Fire Department, monitor and enforce the open burning policy in their coverage areas. NO open burning can be performed without a permit from the Jefferson County Health Department and Air Pollution Program.

Fines can be applied to those offenders burning without permits. A NO BURN ORDINANCE begins June 1st and ends October 1st of each year due to the hazards of dry heat and lack of rain during the summer months in our area. NO permits will be issued by the county agency during this period.

There are three (3) types of fire which do not require burn permits, however, several do require approval from the fire official having jurisdiction in the affected area prior to activity. 1) Camp fires do not require permits, however, cannot be performed during the NO BURN SEASON. 2) Bon fires do not require permits, however, the fire officials must approve the site and times. 3) Ceremonial fires, such as the Olympic Torch Ceremony, would not require permits.

For more information related to “Open Burning”, you may contact the Jefferson County Health Department/Air Pollution Program @ 205.930.1204 or the Warrior Fire and Rescue Department @ 205.647.1579.


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